Monday, May 19, 2008


I've been on Ravelry since last fall.  I finally actually went there and spent some time.  If I think of it as an organizing tool it will work for me.  One day this week I'll take the computer up to the yarn closet and start adding yarns.  And books.  And projects.  I kind of like it.  I can see how it works.  I couldn't before.  I think I can stay away from people and their Junior High nonsense I have heard about too.  Because I have no idea where that stuff is.

I've started the Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays.  No pictures.  I am lazzzzyyyyyy.  Plus they are only partway finished.  I actually have two pairs of them on the needles.  I started a pair for me then started a pair for my father for his 70th birthday which was the other day.  Yep, both parents turn 70 within 8 days of each other.  Kind of cute, huh?  I must really like this pattern because I made it for my Sockapalooza partner last year.  It's quick and interesting and a lot easier this time around.  

Anyone else redo a pattern some time later?  This one clicked this time around and last time I was keeping sticky notes with where I was the whole time, using a counter and generally fighting it the whole way.  For some reason this time I just have it down.  Amazing what 18 months or so of knitting will do for you abilities isn't it?