Thursday, December 13, 2007

I went, I saw, I conquered.

I went to Target.  I managed to get that elusive gift Big Brother wanted, purely by chance.  One of those high tech gadgets that's on the 'endangered until the holidays are over' list.  I thought... it can't hurt to check if it's here can it? ... and was rewarded for my patience.

I went to the other mall.  I parked.  I found gifts.  I wish I had thought to go back in but I was beginning to panic.  I'm not big on crowds and as 11:30 was coming up on the clock the people were starting to fill the aisles of the stores and I was done.  Walking back to the car I was accosted by a woman who wanted to follow me to my car so she could park.  Well, lady, do what I did and get here when they open and you should have no problem.  But don't follow me in your car like some kind of freak.  Because I will do what I did today and tell you I am parked way on the other side and turn and head that way.  So you can take your colorful language over in that direction.  Besides, when I got to my car there were three hopeful parkers waiting.  It was insanity.  I am done for this year.

I came home and finished filling up a box and I am off to the post office shortly.  I feel so accomplished today.

I am casting on today for a few of those headbands for PeeWee's teachers.  But no knitting to show today.  An inch of progress on that sleeve just doesn't cut it.  So scroll down and look at yesterday's picture for excitement.  Because I must recover from the mall now.